Ugh. It's that time of year again when we have to endure the mind numbing pleasure of watching 11 or so talentless bafoons parade around the Big Brother house completing tasks and slagging each other off. Every year I vow not to watch but some how end up watching it. It's the queen of trash t.v but yet I find myself drawn to it like a moth to a flame. Now me and my mother are sitting here watching it. Not by choice but there are slim pickings on Sky Plus. Well to keep any of you who are reading this occupied, I found this really cool 80s inspired synth band called GLUM.
Their debut album, Heartbeats, is out on iTunes.
EDIT: The band is called GRUM. sorry.
Posted by: BROKE ASS COUTURE | 06/10/2010 at 02:51 PM